Monday, December 6, 2010

Cheers for waiting!

So hey! It's been a while, there's no excuse...My last entry was a little over a month ago right before my epic 2 weeks. I began writing this long ass blog for you about what happened and while doing so my internet shut down...serves me right for not copying my work and putting it somewhere else.
In the process I have forgotten what was really important and that is to relay experiences I have had, while not trying to bore you. So here it goes a fast recap of my epic two weeks a few weeks ago:
Scotland: Amazing! Ali Hamburger, fellow blogger and traveler joined our big ol group of 7 for a Halloween weekend in the land where Halloween was owned! From old castles in Stirling and Edinburgh to a ghost tour in Edinburgh, I plan to return. I gotta get me summore of that honey whiskey.
After two days of rest Stephanie and I ventured forth to the Academy Brixton to see the Black Keys, who's performance, I must say was nothing short of, well SICK!
Immediately after, Steph and I ventured to the City of Bikes, among other things, Amsterdam...where we saw History, Art, Desserts and way more of the Red Light district than we needed to say.
You think I am finished, but after a visit from two old friends from High School, I was off with Laura to Dublin, Ireland, which only seems like a week ago to me...strange...It was in Ireland that realized that I don't like Guinness. I know what you're thinking, well that's no wait a minute what about the other Irish treats...Bailys and well...erm Soda Bread, which is better than a few of the ones i have tried in New York. And I must say, the Irish are so nice! We were not there for more than two minutes, before we were welcomed graciously in the arms of every Irishmen and women we passed (okay maybe I'm overexaggerating, but they were pretty nice whereever we went), just the service was a little slow...
So there you have it...after one month of thinking what to say, it takes my internet shutting down to push me to do it. All we need is a little push sometimes. I'm glad for that because, well frankly, it's about time!

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