Friday, October 29, 2010

If you can find any free time in my Diary for the next two weeks, I'll give you a pound!

So After this past weekend and the next 2 weeks, I'm going to seriously need a 3 day resting period just to recoup!
So Last weekend I went into London to visit my good friend, Laura for the weekend.
We did so much!
Had Fish n Chips from one of London's oldest Fish n Chips places.
Saw "the Social Network" which was pretty good i must say!
The next day a little shopping at Notting Hill's famous Portobello Market, which i must say, if u want to do some great shopping for nothing, GO THERE! really sick music selections there!
After some delicious melted chocolate in a cup at "melt" in Notting Hill, was the main event: Sister Act the musical...ummm I have the cd on Spotify (european, public music library, where u can get as many songs u like for nothing), so i guess u can say i loved the show! Whoopi Goldberg also came in, which made the show even more AMAZING! But she sadly did not want to take pictures or sign autographs at the stage door :( but that's alright she's from New York, I'll find her!
The next day, Laura and took a Little walk across 3 famous London Bridges: The Millenium, The London, and the Tower! After a nice and healthy lunch at the Tate Modern, we did all this!
A little Bit of Harry Potter siteseeing at the site of the Leaky Cauldron and the Market that inspired Diagon Alley!
A slight setback: our plans to get London's Best Hot Chocolate had been foiled by Sunday and the fact that no stores are open that day! Definitely not the city that never sleeps lemme tell ya!
Everything was made better with Ben's cookies! Just go there, i can't explain what I think may be the best cookies ever. Also, it was Ben's cookies that i first heard Alexandra'Burke's song, "All Night Long" NEW FAV SONG RIGHT NOW!
Don't care about typos!
It's my rushed blog, because while I'm writing this, I'm prepping for what's to come... and that is:
1. A little Halloween weekend in Scotland with the crew, which includes fellow blogger, Alison Hamburger. We are going where some real scary crap goes down! I'll see if i can take a picture with a kilted lad for you guys ;)
2. A tour of the Royal Court Theater back in London with my playwriting class...pretty stoked
3. A little break for homework and prepping for the next few days (like to leave u in a little suspense there)
5. Amsterdam with my girl Steph and meeting up with a few other fine folks there.
6. Guy Faux Weekend with Joey and Vinny, who are coming to visit Ol' London!
7. Then off to Scotland with my darling Laura for 3 days...

If you actually see me at all next week, which I doubt, I may need your shoulder to rest on for 5 seconds before i continue on this wild Euro-trotting Marathon.
Don't worry I'll relay the details of everything when I return.

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