Sunday, October 17, 2010

Be England what she will, With all her stuff she is an pretty sweet country still.

So people do not say "How Are You?" or "What's Up?" here.
They say "Are You Alright?"
Am I alright? Do I look sick? I'm pretty happy, there's nothing wrong with me. I check myself before answering, "Yea I'm least I think so".
I wasn't even aware that this is how they greet you, until a friend of mine spotted it. And just like that, similar to when a friend spots a flaw on their face like a pimple or something (perhaps something more appetizing) and all of a sudden it was the first thing I notice. Now all the time when people ask me "Are You Alright" I'm prepared..."I'm in England, I would say so!"
This other little language difference I discovered all on my own, aren't you proud? then again how could I not.
"Cheers" is not only where Everybody knows your name, but a term of gratitude or a way to say goodbye. Also "cheers" is a way to respond to the gratitude. I mean if I had a nickel for every time someone said cheers to me saying thank you, I'd probably would have a quarter... :/
I always seem to forget that I am the foreigner here. So when I start talking in my incredibly obvious accent, I got to stop caring too much about the curious stares I get from random strangers. It's fun to talk on the phone in public places though. Like when I'm on the bus. I make sure it's never a private convo because damn the whole the bus would know, even those on the top deck would have a listen.
I forgot all about those famous Double Decker buses. You know the signature vehicles of transport that identifies mainly the British cities (including those Britain colonized). Lemme tell ya about them. It is quite a treat to be able to climb the stairs and enjoy the sights just a wee bit higher then the common folk...despite a little instability at turns, I must say this experience is one to take advantage of, if you ever to find yourself in the UK or UK colonies.


  1. Lord i got to stop misspelling things or using terrible grammar, sorry about the title :/
    I write good i swear lol

  2. It's okay, everyone knows that nobody can rite gud in Europe :P

    Glad you're enjoying yourself, darling!
