Monday, December 6, 2010

Cheers for waiting!

So hey! It's been a while, there's no excuse...My last entry was a little over a month ago right before my epic 2 weeks. I began writing this long ass blog for you about what happened and while doing so my internet shut down...serves me right for not copying my work and putting it somewhere else.
In the process I have forgotten what was really important and that is to relay experiences I have had, while not trying to bore you. So here it goes a fast recap of my epic two weeks a few weeks ago:
Scotland: Amazing! Ali Hamburger, fellow blogger and traveler joined our big ol group of 7 for a Halloween weekend in the land where Halloween was owned! From old castles in Stirling and Edinburgh to a ghost tour in Edinburgh, I plan to return. I gotta get me summore of that honey whiskey.
After two days of rest Stephanie and I ventured forth to the Academy Brixton to see the Black Keys, who's performance, I must say was nothing short of, well SICK!
Immediately after, Steph and I ventured to the City of Bikes, among other things, Amsterdam...where we saw History, Art, Desserts and way more of the Red Light district than we needed to say.
You think I am finished, but after a visit from two old friends from High School, I was off with Laura to Dublin, Ireland, which only seems like a week ago to me...strange...It was in Ireland that realized that I don't like Guinness. I know what you're thinking, well that's no wait a minute what about the other Irish treats...Bailys and well...erm Soda Bread, which is better than a few of the ones i have tried in New York. And I must say, the Irish are so nice! We were not there for more than two minutes, before we were welcomed graciously in the arms of every Irishmen and women we passed (okay maybe I'm overexaggerating, but they were pretty nice whereever we went), just the service was a little slow...
So there you have it...after one month of thinking what to say, it takes my internet shutting down to push me to do it. All we need is a little push sometimes. I'm glad for that because, well frankly, it's about time!

Friday, October 29, 2010

If you can find any free time in my Diary for the next two weeks, I'll give you a pound!

So After this past weekend and the next 2 weeks, I'm going to seriously need a 3 day resting period just to recoup!
So Last weekend I went into London to visit my good friend, Laura for the weekend.
We did so much!
Had Fish n Chips from one of London's oldest Fish n Chips places.
Saw "the Social Network" which was pretty good i must say!
The next day a little shopping at Notting Hill's famous Portobello Market, which i must say, if u want to do some great shopping for nothing, GO THERE! really sick music selections there!
After some delicious melted chocolate in a cup at "melt" in Notting Hill, was the main event: Sister Act the musical...ummm I have the cd on Spotify (european, public music library, where u can get as many songs u like for nothing), so i guess u can say i loved the show! Whoopi Goldberg also came in, which made the show even more AMAZING! But she sadly did not want to take pictures or sign autographs at the stage door :( but that's alright she's from New York, I'll find her!
The next day, Laura and took a Little walk across 3 famous London Bridges: The Millenium, The London, and the Tower! After a nice and healthy lunch at the Tate Modern, we did all this!
A little Bit of Harry Potter siteseeing at the site of the Leaky Cauldron and the Market that inspired Diagon Alley!
A slight setback: our plans to get London's Best Hot Chocolate had been foiled by Sunday and the fact that no stores are open that day! Definitely not the city that never sleeps lemme tell ya!
Everything was made better with Ben's cookies! Just go there, i can't explain what I think may be the best cookies ever. Also, it was Ben's cookies that i first heard Alexandra'Burke's song, "All Night Long" NEW FAV SONG RIGHT NOW!
Don't care about typos!
It's my rushed blog, because while I'm writing this, I'm prepping for what's to come... and that is:
1. A little Halloween weekend in Scotland with the crew, which includes fellow blogger, Alison Hamburger. We are going where some real scary crap goes down! I'll see if i can take a picture with a kilted lad for you guys ;)
2. A tour of the Royal Court Theater back in London with my playwriting class...pretty stoked
3. A little break for homework and prepping for the next few days (like to leave u in a little suspense there)
5. Amsterdam with my girl Steph and meeting up with a few other fine folks there.
6. Guy Faux Weekend with Joey and Vinny, who are coming to visit Ol' London!
7. Then off to Scotland with my darling Laura for 3 days...

If you actually see me at all next week, which I doubt, I may need your shoulder to rest on for 5 seconds before i continue on this wild Euro-trotting Marathon.
Don't worry I'll relay the details of everything when I return.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Be England what she will, With all her stuff she is an pretty sweet country still.

So people do not say "How Are You?" or "What's Up?" here.
They say "Are You Alright?"
Am I alright? Do I look sick? I'm pretty happy, there's nothing wrong with me. I check myself before answering, "Yea I'm least I think so".
I wasn't even aware that this is how they greet you, until a friend of mine spotted it. And just like that, similar to when a friend spots a flaw on their face like a pimple or something (perhaps something more appetizing) and all of a sudden it was the first thing I notice. Now all the time when people ask me "Are You Alright" I'm prepared..."I'm in England, I would say so!"
This other little language difference I discovered all on my own, aren't you proud? then again how could I not.
"Cheers" is not only where Everybody knows your name, but a term of gratitude or a way to say goodbye. Also "cheers" is a way to respond to the gratitude. I mean if I had a nickel for every time someone said cheers to me saying thank you, I'd probably would have a quarter... :/
I always seem to forget that I am the foreigner here. So when I start talking in my incredibly obvious accent, I got to stop caring too much about the curious stares I get from random strangers. It's fun to talk on the phone in public places though. Like when I'm on the bus. I make sure it's never a private convo because damn the whole the bus would know, even those on the top deck would have a listen.
I forgot all about those famous Double Decker buses. You know the signature vehicles of transport that identifies mainly the British cities (including those Britain colonized). Lemme tell ya about them. It is quite a treat to be able to climb the stairs and enjoy the sights just a wee bit higher then the common folk...despite a little instability at turns, I must say this experience is one to take advantage of, if you ever to find yourself in the UK or UK colonies.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Lot of Tea....need that Sympathy

Tea Chronicles:
This past Saturday, I ventured into London for some fine dining and a little sight seeing, if the mood strikes. Turns out tea seemed to be the main focus. Well at least for my bladder...
First stop on the tea train: Dim Sum in Chinatown near Leicester Square (part of London's Theater District, a spot I have and will be spending a lot of time in) with Stephanie, a fellow Kingstonite, hailed from San Francisco, but full Chinese in background. So it was only customary that she show me the good stuff, i.e. tea. Instead of the cheap tea they initially offered us, she made sure we had jasmine tea. Now there was something about the taste that reminded me of upstate New York, don't ask me why, I will have a cognitive connection to memory later as I further study Cognitive Processes this term.
Next Stop and literally with only a half hour brake, was Kensington Palace for tea time with Laura, a home friend. She is not a fan of the hot beverage, so I took it upon myself to take care of the tea she might not enjoy. I convinced her to order the chocolate tea she was curious about instead of coffee. With my tea tray I got an orange tea that was recommended by the restaurant. Looking back I wish she got coffee. She did not like it, and as I promised, I took over. The chocolate tea was very much like watery hot chocolate, not necessarily my cup of tea (hah). The tea I chose, had a delightful fruity balance.
In total I would say I had about 8 to 10 cups that day of tea. Add non-stop food to the mix and you could tell how much my insides hated me, especially when all three of us met up to go on the London Eye. Luckily no tea there, but some of the most spectacular night views I've seen.
So you would think that day would put a tea bag damper on the rest of my exploration. Nope, it didn't stop me from having a nice cup of black tea and sweet cream the next morning.
As a matter of fact, I think i have more of a taste for the leaf based drink. Starbucks, you better be ready for my tea orders.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Can't Help But Mind the Bullocks, Sometimes

It's funny. The things that people do and say here are so similar and yet, so different. Well derrr, but seriously, the way things are here make it seem surreal. I guess the best analogy to describe it, however lame, would be if my environment back home was summed up in a color, it would be regular blue, while in England, things would be navy. Does that make sense?
Well I guess this is just simply a response to the one thing most of the study abroad advisers warned about, and that is culture shock. Some people have it in the beginning, in the end, in the middle, not at all, or the whole time of the trip. I guess I had, or at least I hope I did, last week. I don't know what it was but some things really bugged me.
List Time!
Well for one, you know how people just bump into without regarding they just rammed into a person like them? No? I sure as hell didn't know people did that until I came over. I swear it's almost like their job to bump into as they pass by. Trust me, I am not the only one who realized this. My fellow international students, especially those from America agree. I mean seriously, without even an "excuse me" and when I say something along those lines they look back with a look that can only be described as a look one would give if I spat in their food.

Another thing, I guess I was spoiled by the NYC bus system, but here the buses just go by their own terms that is if you don't indicate at the right moment that you want to get on the bus. This you can do in various forms, from waving, picking up your pace to catch up with the bus, just sticking out your hand...i guess you can improvise that. But otherwise the one opportunity to get to class on time has just passes you by.

One thing about being here, is since my accent is so different, every time I hang out at the pub with the English students, they want me to do my best English accent. But Now that I am here, I don't think I can ever do one like I would with ease back home. There are so many different variations to the English accent. I suppose that goes without saying, but geez I simply cannot figure out what sounds more Northern or London-urban. Although it is quite fun to challenge their American accent skills ;)

Anyhoo that's a few things that just reminds me that I am not home, and yet I am not in some exotic land.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Oh Bugger, What a Week!

As I pop The Beatles' "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" into my computer for a listen, I feel this is a good time as any to relay the happenings of the past week.

I have a lot to say seeing is that it's been a while since my last post...I hope I can remember all of it.

I guess I will start with the earliest memory: So my school's "study abroad" program (not including European exchange students, odd enough) went on a day trip to Brighton, a city by the sea...i suppose that's the song "By the Sea" from Sweeney Todd referred to (courtesy of my musical theater friend, Ali), because there is no other evidence of beach life in England at all. It reminds me of Coney Island in that its one of those turn of the century towns re-configured in the '80s for tourists and has never been redone. Okay back to the story, so thinking we need water-proof shoes, I wear my sperry topsiders, heavy boating boots. Of course something has to happen to them. As expected while chilling by the ocean side with a few friends, a wave crashed into my boots, filling my entire show with salt water. I was forced to walk around Brighton and a little of Kingston in my bright red Virgin Atlantic complimentary socks, with little planes on them. Let's just say I can't wear those socks anymore :/
Other stories are shorter, I assure you...
Kingston has a really awesome underground live music scene, which is inspiring me everyday to pursue in one way or other some aspect of the music world.

In Harry Potter news: On a day trip to Oxford, I went to Christ Church College, the location for several scenes of the first movie. I have pictures (stay tuned for my pictures on facebook, they are coming soon).

So Finally this past Sunday, before catching the Second Part to Henry the Fourth (which in my opinion, despite my company's opinion, wasn't as entertaining to me as the first, although it did allow for quite a few laughs), my study abroad comrade and long friend from high school, Laura and I had lunch at Harrods, London's famous department store. After spending an afternoon there, I am quite convinced of its renown. THE PLACE IS A MUSEUM of expensive items ranging from clothes to food to furniture to anything you can think of really. I will go back, prepared with a camera and more money ;)

So there you go, woah, that was a lot. I'm seriously considering a different approach to this "blog" thing.
Well at least these happenings are entertaining my Swedish friend and flatmate, Cecilia a great deal.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Globe Trotting

I know I said I would only do a post a week, but I just can't keep this down for another minute.

Sooooo Saturday, as I mentioned in the video post, I went to London for the first time! I went with my school for an Orientation activity, in which we were split into teams and had to not only answer London trivia, but also find the landmark that went with the question and take a creative picture with it. After spending a good 4 hours just running to several locations around the city, let's just say, I appreciate tourists a lot more now than ever before. I thank all the locals who did their best to help my group.

As I have noted in my first post, one of my top goals while studying in England, is to cram in as much Shakespeare as I can handle, which includes viewing a performance at The Globe Theater in London’s South bank. The Globe Theater was in fact one of the original outdoor public theaters in Shakespeare’s time utilized by the companies who performed his works. And it so happens that The Globe’s season is almost over, seeing as that it is an outdoor theater.
Lately, I’ve been trying this new thing where I just do things spontaneously. Heck, why not, I’m in another country! So when the activity ended, I made the Impromptu decision to go with a few newly met friends to the Globe just to see if I could get to see a show before I cannot for a while. And sure enough, we got it only having to pay 5 pounds (don’t even ask me what that is in American dollars)! We saw Henry IV part 1 as a groundling! Groundlings were members of the audience that could not afford to sit in the seated areas and thus stood in the pit where they proceeded to interact with the players as often as they wished. A student pretty much shares the same salary as the groundlings back in the day, so my newly met friends and I saw this 3-hour (with intermission) play standing the entire time. It was worth it though. What I thought was going to be a very long and dusty History play (my first), turned out to be a well-spirited and entertaining show!
And just when my night could not get any better, who else was on the train, but none other than one of the actors in the show.
Yea, so I’m going back next weekend. I need to see the second part along with Merry Wives of Winsor and Bedlam (not by Shakespeare).
I know exactly what you guys are thinking, ‘Theater Nerd”, to which I say AMEN!
Well all I can say it keep on reading that is if this didn’t scare you off
All the best

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Keep Calm, Carry On Luggage

Welp, the time has finally come! Thanks to a really nice person who let me use his computer (since I am not paying for Wifi for 5 seconds pshhh) I am making sure that all of you (1 or 2 readers I'm assuming) have a new post to read.
The sun is coming on the New Jersey horizon, as I am waiting to board.  At first, as I parted from my parents to enter security, I had a huge pit in my stomach.  The only thing that was going through my mind was "WHY AM I DOING THIS?". But suddenly I sat at my gate and the first thing I saw on the Airport TV screen was TCM's Now Playing the Show talking about films from classic to contemporary and I automatically knew why I was doing this!
Now all I can think about is "British Theater and Performing Arts Here I Come!"
Alright I think I have used up this generous guy's computer enough...
The next time you hear from me, I will be in London
See You Across the Pond!
Your Blogger!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

God Save the Queen...I'm Coming to London Town!

Mid 1960's, America had a British Invasion, in which some of Britannia's best musicians traveled west, "across the pond", changing the face of music as Americans knew it.
2010, I'm returning the favor! Well, with a more theatrical focus, I should say. This fall, I come to London (technically Kingston, which is only a short train ride away, I assure you) to study and take full advantage of the city that birthed English speaking theater.
What better place to find Shakespeare in the land that "kept his bones"?!
But don't worry your little heads, I'm not going to bore you with too much of my enthusiasm for the dramatic arts.
I also want to learn and experience music in the country that was home to legendary bands and artists such as The Rolling Stones, David Bowie, the Sex Pistols, The Kinks, Elton John, and the Beatles, to name a few.

At the end of my studies in London, I will be reuniting with my roots in Hungary.  While struggling to master my family's native tongue of Hungarian, I'll be interning with one of my father's closest relative on the ways of documentary film making.

My intention is to illustrate to all you readers out there what happens while I immerse myself in said medias along with my pursuit of other arts, enlightenment, history, TEA, delicious food, drinks, and Harry Potter!
(Don't worry, there will be plenty of picture and videos along the way)
And you thought I was leaving you all out of this...